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27 may 2022

Website under construction

As you can see we are working hard to get the new VSL website completed so you can stay up to date with the latest news and updates of your industrial park.

You will find out that during this process not all links and redirections are fully functional and we thank you for your understanding.

To make the website as complete as possible and keep all updated we need your help and appreciate your input and feedback. 

As you might already have seen we created curtesy links to all companies located on the industrial property. Our goal is to generate more traffic to your business which in turn will result in more customers.

As you also might have noticed the information in this section isn't complete and there are still a lot of companies we have not been able to find the logo and/or website from.

If you are not yet listed or the information provided is not complete or incorrect please notify us so we can make adjustments.

All inquiries can be send to:

Please allow 24 hours for processing your requests.


VSL Management