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27 may 2022

Commissioning gate delayed 

As most of you are now aware, our foundation V.S.L. has been installing an access control system at the entrance of our industrial estate. This consists of a CCTV system and an electrically operated gate to slow down unauthorized persons and increased crime, making our joint industrial estate safer, especially at night.

We were therefore pleased to inform you that the project has reached its final phase and that we are ready to start using the new access system.

Unfortunately due to some technical issues that should be addressed Monday may 30th 2022 it was not possible to commission the gate as of Friday may 27th 2022 at 10PM as previously intended.

However, all technical and mechanical issues appear to have been resolved and the gate will be activated this Friday 3rd of June 2022 as of 10PM. Like with all new systems we do expect adjustments and ask for your patience during this period of trial. If you have not already done so this is a good time to get your callerID registered.

It was our intention to close the gate automatically from Monday to Saturday from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and all day and night on Sundays.

However we have had several applications from companies on our industrial park that conduct business on Sunday's. Honoring these requests the gate will:


During the period that the gate is closed, our industrial estate will only be accessible to authorized access and emergency services, including patrol services of your security partner, police, ambulance and fire brigade.

If you have not already done so, we ask for your cooperation for the following!

We ask every organization located on the industrial estate to indicate which persons should be allowed to use this authorized access "dial-in" option for their company.

To be added to the authorized list we will need the following information:

Company that is applying.
First & last name of the person to authorize.

Function of the person
Phone number of the person

This information need to be send to:

After verification has been completed the information will be added to the gate database and provide authorized access for that individual "Caller ID".

This way the gate can always be opened 24/7 by using the dial-in number, but access will only be granted to authorized users based on their “CallerID”. 

The gate can also be opened at any time on request by the central control room in charge of access control of the industrial area using the intercom system installed on both sides of the gate. After verification, registration and intentions of the individual requesting the access the operator monitoring the CCTV system, will be able to open the gate remotely.

We hope to have informed everyone accordingly with this letter and to jointly strive for a safe working environment for all companies located in our Seru Lora industrial estate.